Innovation consulting by design


Similar & different

All innovating actors are ‘differently normal’. Different from the other’s perspective, very normal from their own perspective.

Mosaic Research & Consulting

“It is the whole picture that makes the details worth looking at!”

Innovation is the result of collaborative work by a large set of multidisciplinary people. All of them engaged in adding their disciplinary value to the conceptual idea which ignited the process of innovating.

Innovating therefore is a socio-interactive process in which all actors aim to arrive at a full fledged and integrated operational process that produces the actual object of innovation.

To be able to create a well integrated whole of operational processes innovating actors frequently need to interact with each other to synchronise their contributions.

The creation of the whole is a matter of seeking perfect alignments among the contributing disciplinary parts when still in conceptual state of design. In other words, the negotiation among disciplines at the conceptual level aims to form the integrated conceptual whole of the future end result.

Newness of the conceptual content directly influences the complexity of the socio-interactive system and the necessity to handle this with care.